Rendcombe College Pirate Adventure!
The subject of schooling isn't going to go away and this morning's trip to Rendcombe College further highlighted the problem we face.
I had originally seen the event advertised on Facebook. It had looked like a fun, pirate adventure morning but little did I realise it was in actual fact an open morning for prospective parents! I felt a little out of my depth! No way in a million years could we ever afford to send Jenson there and so we stumbled around the stunning grounds complete with outdoor heated swimming pool feeling a little green eyed.
Despite this, Jenson had plenty of fun! The highlight by far was their amazing forest school, which ALL the children throughout all the year groups use every week. This is a far cry from Jenson's old school where only Reception got to use it and even then that was only every other term as they swapped between the two classes. Year 1 got to dip their toes into the occasional muddy puddle once every term but it was no where near enough.
There was a lovely pirate treasure hunt laid around the woodland floor and Jenson delighted in completing the task. The reward of chocoate gold coins helped with his enthusiasm!
The facilities, even in the forest school, were outstanding. There was plenty to involve the children and Jenson in particular loved this over sized pirate hat we found swinging from one of the trees!
We rounded the morning off back inside the school, where Jenson and Wren enjoyed posing in this pirate cardboard cut out!
I enjoyed the amazing spread that was laid on - the home made cakes and fresh fruit platers sealed the deal for me!
On our way out all the children were given pirate goody bags, which kept the children occupied all the way home!