Lady Marmalade
Today was a good day despite being heavily distracted with a few of my own worries. That's the only drawback with home schooling, if you've got stuff on your mind and want to take a quiet day to mull it over there's no chance. You just end up getting short tempered with the kids.
We had a really quiet morning to the point that at one stage I asked Jenson if he was bored and would rather be at school. He replied rather simply with, "It's relaxing Mummy." I think the kids have far less expectations of what we should be doing during the day than me: for them doing nothing is just great.
I couldn't face forest school today. It's such hard work with the pair of them: one or the other is always crying/screaming/grumpy/moaning. Instead we made marmalade. We had been at the veg shop earlier in the week and Jenson had picked up a seville orange by mistake thinking he could eat it. The chap there kindly cut it open so the kids could get a closer look, at which point Jenson declared that he wanted to make marmalade like Paddington!
So that is what we did. Jenson wasn't at all interested, preferring his Lego, but Wren was particularly keen; using her magnifying glass to get a better look at the juices!
As usual, Jenson developed a keen interest in the task when it came to tasting and licking spoons/bowls etc! He also helped to pour the marmalade into jars.
Paddington looks pleased with our batch of homemade marmalade!
Finally, came the labelling. As luck would have it the marmalade mix made four jars so we could each have one. Jenson confidently named and labelled his own and helped Wren to write hers. I labelled my jar and Simon did his when he got in from work.
They look great and taste pretty good too: Paddington would be proud!