The Cotswold Farm Park
Today was a real half term day spent with school friends at the Cotswold Farm Park. It was a Halloween themed week at the farm and anyone in fancy dress got a free go in their lucky dip! I arrived at 10.30am with a skeleton and Little Bo Peep, (Wren was totally oblivious to the fancy dress dress code!)
There was heaps of really fun stuff to do. The free face painting was top of our list. Jenson was a happy chappy with two skeletons jiggling their bones across each of his cheeks! Next up was the giant tipee erected in the usual chicken field. Jenson sped over to it at lighting pace with the promise of a prize in the lucky dip. Although quite a lot of girly prizes, we didn't complain, (unlike some) and he chose a skipping rope which Wren and himself have since enjoyed playing with, (and yes, not always skipping with it - mainly trying to strangle each other!)
We caught up with some of his school friends and must have spent about an hour on the bouncing pillows. Their favourite game was playing 'Mummy Crocodile', which involved me circling around on the sand at the edge of the pillow, snapping my hands and arms together in a very large crocodile mouth motion. This obviously resulted in plenty of screaming as Mummy Crocodile tried to drag the little children into her murky swamp by their toes!
Next we made our way to the tower at the far end of the park and were greeted by many piglets who had obviously escaped their enclosures, preferring instead to play chase with any child going! It was fantastic although it did make me remember our own mini pig Flower, who we still miss.
We ended the day making dens in the woods. This is something I'm particularly keen on so I was thrilled to see Jenson get stuck in and lug great hunks of wood around!
We were at the park until 4.30pm. We all had a super day. I'm going to phone up next week to see if they offer home ed discounts.